

Since closing my private practice as a psychotherapist, I am now concentrating on writing books to help anyone caught in high-control environments, situations or groups such as cults – as I was for the first thirty years of my life.

It is my goal to offer a variety of resources to help with the daring act of exiting from a demanding and controlling milieu, and to help heal the psychological and emotional wounds that result as a consequence of being subjected to: coercion, repression, manipulation, exploitation, and shunning by family and friends.

If you are recovering from being the victim of a high-demand, coercive environment, this site is designed to help you manage and heal from the many negative effects of having your life co-opted and controlled. You will access a variety of resources to help you learn how to care for yourself during the challenging period of reclaiming your mind and rebuilding your life. Do navigate the site and see if there are resources here that are right for you. New resources and information are added on a regular basis.

I’m happy to announce that in response to many requests I have written a new book, “REBOOT After Recovery From Trauma: Life Hacks to Overcome Post-Trauma Fatigue & Paralysis“. It is designed for people who have been out of high-control groups or situations for a while, done their recovery work, and yet feel they are not living the life they envisioned or dreamed of when they left. The book is now available on Amazon. Click on the image below to check it out.

MY REBOOT JOURNAL” is a companion workbook designed specifically to accompany my book, “REBOOT After Recovery From Trauma“. It has prompts, exercises and forms from the book and contains all 350+ therapist questions in the book for easy reference.

SHUNNED: A Survival Guide” is also available on Amazon.

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If you have tried to fast-track your recovery from high-control abuses by going into therapy, only to find that the therapist does not really understand what you experienced in the cult or how challenging it is to rebuild your independent self and life, check out my book, “Cracking the Cult Code for Therapists“. This book has also proved to be a great way to help family and friends who have no knowledge of cults to understand what you are dealing with.

Check out the “Look Inside” option on Amazon in order to see the Table of Contents and read a few of the opening pages, by clicking HERE.

Thank you for visiting. Hope to see you back here soon!     Bonnie