Books by BZ


NOBODY’S THRALL is my first novel. It parachutes the reader into a fictional congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, in New England, in 1998. Non-JWs and ex-JWs alike will find the characters compelling and the plot suspenseful and exciting. Non-JW editors said they loved the characters and plotlines and found the conditions under which Jehovah’s Witness members live both enlightening and shocking. Paperback and eBook versions are available HERE. Check my free downloadable resources on this site for your Nobody’s Thrall Discussion Guide.

One of the only books available to help the individual suffering from the inhumane practice of shunning. It is full of easy-to-use strategies to manage the isolation, loneliness, anxiety and grief caused by being shunned. It is available in both paperback and Kindle versions HERE.

This new book meets the urgent need of cult victims to help their therapists really comprehend what they experienced while in a cult and the damaging consequences they have to deal with once out. While it was designed with therapists in mind, if you have family or friends who do not quite understand the extent of the abuse you endured at the hands of cult leaders, give them this book. It is available HERE.

A comprehensive book about recovery from high-control or cult abuses. Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE.

A lined 8″x10″ workbook to help you document your “high-control” or “cult” experience and work toward the recovery of your emotional well-being and self-directed life. Check it out on Amazon by clicking HERE.

A book designed to help Jehovah’s Witnesses (current or former) recover their life and well-being after living under all the repressive controls of that organization. Available in both print and kindle formats – print format HERE.  

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A memoir of my life trapped in a coercive organization that calls itself a religion, but that meets all the scholarly criteria that define a cult. Read about what it was like to be trapped in the JW cult, how difficult it was to get out, and the challenges faced once out. Available in both print and kindle formats. Print format HERE.